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07/30/2009: "Tee Placement"

I asked the USGA, by eMail, the following. I place the following, here, in case any of you want to comment-back.
Tee Placement

I browsed the USGA Website for the purpose of investigating if there are any "official" guidelines for tee placement. I apologize if this comment does not make sense! Let me try to explain: Over the past couple of years, the club that I belong to here in Raleigh NC has spent a lot of time/effort on placing tees.

As our club membership changes (for example: age, gender, player ability) the club "struggles" (in my opinion) with "where tees should be" to maintain enjoyment / competitiveness and other matters.

I am wondering if the USGA has ever published something that could be used by golfers/committees in this matter.

Personally, I don't "care" what tee my fellow competitor(s) or playing partner(s) play from. Courtesy, etiquette, acceptance of other golfer's ability rate higher-up in my rating-of-the-golf-day's experience.

However, a simple matter of "Tee Placement" often seems to dominate in some situations -- and, if there was something "USGA" published: Wonderful. It would save me and, I assume others: Some time/effort.

Thank you for a comeback at your convenience!

Replies: 1 Comment

on Thursday, August 27th, SCScompA said

I heard back from the USGA on this - and, the answer was that there are no specific guidelines for where tees should be placed or for what tees a player should use: Just, use the tee that you enjoy and enter your score for the particular set of tees for handicap purposes.

There is one area of the USGA Website that caught my attention that is SOMEWHAT related, in my mind, to "Where tees should be placed". The USGA Website discusses in its "Course Ratings and Calculators"-portion of its site, what a Scratch Golfer is, etc. Interesting reading if you have not been there. For example (this comment is in August 2009, in case someday the USGA Website is changed in this arena) what a Scratch Golfer (both male and female) and what a Bogie Golfer is. See the USGA Website - but, for discussion sake:


Scratch Golfer: A male scratch golfer is a player who can play to a Course Handicap of zero on any and all rated golf courses. A male scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 250 yards and can reach a 470-yard hole in two shots at sea level.

A female scratch golfer is a player who can play to a Course Handicap of zero on any and all rated golf courses. A female scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 210 yards and can reach a 400-yard hole in two shots at sea level.

USGA Course Rating: A USGA Course Rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty of a course for scratch golfers under normal course and weather conditions. It is expressed as the number of strokes taken to one decimal place (72.5), and is based on yardage and other obstacles to the extent that they affect the scoring difficulty of the scratch golfer.

Bogey Golfer: A male bogey golfer is a player who has a Course Handicap (USGA trademark) of approximately 20 on a course of standard difficulty. He can hit tee shots an average of 200 yards and can reach a 370-yard hole in two shots at sea level.

A female bogey golfer is a player who has a Course Handicap of approximately 24 on a course of standard difficulty. She can hit tee shots an average of 150 yards and can reach a 280-yard hole in two shots at sea level.


Perhaps these "definitions" can be of assistance if we want to play-from (or, position on the golf course) tees that fit our objectives for play?

Any comments are appreciated!

Reminder: Go to the USGA Website for any official information.

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