Senior Mens Golf


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08/11/2008: "What Tee Should I Play From?"

This is a question that comes up, to me, quite often. Both from my own play -- and, as I discuss the topic with others. My view is: Play from the tee that you are most comfortable with. That means, play from the course's tees that afford an opportunity to achieve some satisfaction during the round. Period. Don't mind what tee others are using within your group! You and they will be meeting at the green if not somewhere along the way.

In my view, I feel that if I can reach ten of the non-par-3 greens in "regulation" with quite nice shots: That is the tee that I play from most of the time and would recommend to others.

The topic is NOT (affected by) a matter of "stroke adjustment" for mixed-tee competitions.

The topic is NOT (affected by) a matter of age.

The topic is NOT (affected by) a matter of gender.

The decision as to what tee a player plays is strictly up to the player and the player's enjoyment.


Give some thought to what are your criteria and comment-back. I am interested in your view on this.

Thank you in advance for any comeback.

Replies: 2 Comments

on Saturday, January 3rd, SCScompA said

I am a 9-handicap male golfer who plays normally from the Men's Regular tee. On New Years Day 2009 I had a wonderful 9-hole game/walk with my wife -- on a cool winter North Carolina day. I played from her tee (the forward ladies' tee). It was GREAT. I will play from this tee each cold day this winter. Why struggle from the "back"! I use the round handicap-wise as a "practice" round rather than entering it for handicap-reasons. Yes, I know this is not a USGA-accepted thing to do.

on Saturday, August 16th, Jim Hickman said

I agree you should play the tee that fits your own needs, whatever they may be. That is why the CLub went to color tees and not gender tees. For mixed tee games, handicaps can be adjusted accordingly

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